Type of Agile Methodologies

Type of Agile Methodologies :

 in previous lecture we studied the agile and know should to know the types of agile methodologies :

1- Scrum methodology  :

 is a popular agile model that is lightweight and easy to understand , it has three pillars , which the pillars are :

  1. transparency 
  2. inspection 
  3. adoption 

  • Product owner :

 an individual organization who is responsible for gathering inputs about product from a customer and translating the requirements into the product vision for the team and stakeholders .

  • Scrum Master :

 the coach of development team and process owner in the scrum framework who removes obstacles , facilitates , productive events and defends the team from disruptions .

  • Development team : 

dedicated m self managing , cross functional and fully empowered individual who deliver the finished work required by customers.

now we already know the scrum methodology team  , so now we should know the process of scrum meetings : 

the inputs from executive ,team, stakeholders , customers, users give the inputs or requirements to the Product Owner and the requirements call : product backlog - product vision - product roadmap .

Sprint scrum meetings :

  • Sprint planning scrum meeting :

 is the first meeting of the scrum method , so it consider a collaborative events in scrum in which the scrum team plans the work for the current sprint to put time boxed for each iteration and define 

the backlog refinement :

create a prioritized list of customer requirements and the first step of scrum in which priority is based on risk and business value of user story :

  • high risk +high value 
  • high risk  low value 
  • low risk + high value 
  • low risk + low risk

  • Sprint Daily standup meeting : 

a short meeting (15 min) in which the complete team gets together for quick status update .

  • Sprint Review Scrum Meeting :

overview at the end of each iteration with the product owner and other customer stakeholders to

 review the progress of the product , get early feedback and review on the acceptance of what delivered in the iteration .

  • Sprint Retrospective meeting :

the critical part of scrum process attended by the product owner , scrum master and the scrum team to analyze what is working well and what is not , and to agree upon changes to implement ,

2- lean methodology :

an agile method used in manufacturing that focus on achieving outcomes with little or now waste .

  • seven lean core concepts :

  1. Eliminate waste 
  2. build quality 
  3. fast deliver 
  4. optimize whole : should present optimize product in everything .
  5. defer decision : should delay my decision till know everything of the problem or task.
  6. amplify learning 
  7. empower team 

  • seven lean waste : 
  1. partial done work .
  2. extra process .
  3. extra features .
  4. task switching : don't move qualified labor in his process to other process .
  5. waiting :don't wait row material for my production line and waste time and money .
  6. motion : should have all resources behind my plant .
  7. defect .

3- kanban : 

is derived from lean production system of TOYTOA which means (Sign Board ) in Japanese .
Kanban Board : a visualization tool that enables improvements to the flow of work by making bottlenecks and work quantities visible .

  • Five kanban principle :

  1. Visualize the work .
  2. limit the WIP (Work in progress).
  3. manage flow : if testers be free can help in the process and like that which called swarm technique .
  4. make progress explicit .
  5. improve collaboration . 
just we know the suitable place be the kanban board in the Koridor to be seen to everyone and be 

4- Extreme Programming Xp :

team leader = xp coach 
and iteration = spike 

fine scale feedback :

pair programming 
planning game 
test driven development 
extreme programming practices .

continuous process :

continuous integration 
small releases .

shared understanding :

coding standards .
collective ownership of code .
simple design .
system me.

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